Thursday 5 June 2014

'Cocos2D-X' - Mobile Gaming Workshop by Mr.Siddarth Shekar at ICAT - Bangalore

A Workshop on 'Cocos2D-X' was conducted at ICAT, Bangalore on 27th & 28th of February, 2014, by Mr.Siddarth Shekar, a renowned Game Programmer. Around 25 participants were part of the workshop. The workshop was quiet interesting and informative. Concepts like Game Play, Sprite Animations, and Game Mechanics were discussed. During the workshop, the Students were involved in developing a prototype, which helped them understand the current technology involved in the Mobile Gaming.

A Seminar on Mobile Gaming was also organized at ICAT, Bangalore on 1st of March. It was conducted by Mr. Suraj Chandrakar, Lead Game programmer at Tiny Mogul Games. In the seminar, the concepts like Layer Design for Mobile Gaming and Deployment Process were discussed.

Student’s Feedback: 

It was a nice experience participating in the 'Cocos2D-X' workshop, which helped us in understanding Mobile game development in a better way. Concepts like Game Play and Sprite Animations were discussed. The technical aspects related to code implementation were taken through in very interesting manner, which helped us understand the technicalities and difficulties included in the mobile gaming. We showed very keen interest in developing our own game, which gave us an amazing hands-on experience to us.