Thursday 5 June 2014

Workshop on Creative Thinking, Designing and Prototyping for Games - Bangalore

A workshop on ‘Creative Thinking, Designing and Prototyping for Games’ was conducted on 15th and 17th of April, 2014, at ICAT, Bangalore. The workshop was conducted by Shailesh Prabhu, Founder of Yellow Monkeys Studios. The workshop was attended by 40 students from Game Design and Development streams. During the workshop, the students learnt about Game Jam, to design a game prototype, and to express their game Idea by using prototyping software and by creating paper prototypes (for first year students). The students were excited to develop their own game prototypes.

Topics Covered:

  • Game Design Basics: Mr. Shailesh discussed about the Game play and Game mechanics that forms the basics.
  • Huebrix Game Postmortem: The making of the Huebrix game was explained in detail, right from how the levels were designed to the challenges faced while creating the game.
  • Marketing Strategy in Appstore or Play Store: Mr.Shailesh explained about the revenue model between free-to-play and Paid version games in Appstore. He also explained how to increase revenue of paid version games through marketing.
  • Game Jam Ideation: The students were given some themes based on which they have to ideate and develop a game prototype. During the development process, the students were guided to create the prototype in a professional manner.
  • Assessing Final Game Prototypes: Finally, all the prototypes where play tested and were given constructive feedback for improvements.


Student's Testimonials:

The students felt great about the workshop and they were so happy to learn about Game JAM and Prototyping.