Friday 3 October 2014

Game Jam Titans

Game Jam Titans, a game development competition, was held by Nasscom at all major Indian cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore. The competition challenged young game designers and developers to develop PC based games based on the given theme and within a duration of 48 hours. The teams developing best games in each city were awarded exciting prizes.

In Chennai, the Game Jam Titans was held at Hindustan University campus. It was a 3 days event. Many teams of students and professionals from various parts of India eagerly participated in the event. The teams were asked to stay in the campus from 22nd of August, 2014 to 24th of August, 2014.

On the first day, the themes were announced for the teams to start their development. The themes were "Dungeon" and "Speed", based on which the teams were asked to develop a PC based game. Duration of 48 hours was awarded for the teams to submit their work.

Once the themes were announced, the teams enthusiastically started their work with idea generation. The next day, the teams started to design their games. Finally on 24th of August, 2014, the teams presented their games.

Once the themes were announced, the teams enthusiastically started their work with idea generation. The next day, the teams started to design their games. Finally on 24th of August, 2014, the teams presented their games.

In Bangalore, a team of UG students (2011-2014) of ICAT participated in the competition, representing our college. They secured the First place in the city.

The winning team got free passes to attend the Nasscom Game Development Conference, which would be conducted on 13th, 14th and 15th of November, 2014. They were also awarded an opportunity to have a free stall representing their game to the publishers during the conference. They also won a 2k worth gift voucher from Flipkart.