Monday 8 December 2014

Halloween Celebrations @ ICAT, Bangalore

Media Technology, M.Sc. and PG MMT students in Bangalore celebrated the Halloween day on 31 October, 2014, by conducting Face Painting competition based on the theme, “Zombie's”. The function started at around 9:00 a.m. All the students decorated their classes till 11:00 a.m. Simultaneously, the Face Painting competition was also held. TheThey are 36 students students who participated in the competition were divided into groups of three people. The competition came to an end at around 3:00 p.m. Then, Ms.Varsh , Academic Head, ICAT Bangalore went through each work and judged the winners. From M.Sc department were selected eshita is the winner & devendra is the runner and from M.Sc department were selected lopamudhra is the winner & shrey is the runner, prize not given but decided to provide in any upcoming occasion winners . The event was windup with a photo session. Overall, faculties and students had a great day.