Monday 8 December 2014

Outdoor Live Sketching

Outdoor live sketching is one of the most effective art practices for those who want to step up their sketching skills to the next level. ICAT knows the value of this practice and has always guided its students towards the most effective learning experience.

On 13 November, 2014, the students of ICAT Hyderabad visited Golconda tombs to explore their skills in Outdoor sketching. Around 15 students from Visual Effects, Game Design, and 3D Animation departments participated in the day-long session, as part of their Visualization Study module. One of the experienced faculties of the Art department guided the students to showcase their best skills in capturing the beauty of the Golconda tombs. The students sketched amazing drawings of the monuments through their artistic sense and excellent eye for detailings. Some students spend hours on closely observing the design pattern of the Nizam’s architecture on the tombs and then recreated the same in an even more beautiful manner.