Tuesday 27 January 2015

Students’ Showcase of Life-Size Games

The students of L4 Interactive Media at ICAT Design and Media College, Chennai, showcased their life-size games in three different primary schools in Chennai, on 19, 20 and 23 December, 2014. The games were designed by the students as part of their ‘Professional Context Technology & Communication Methods’ module.

The ICAT students first enthusiastically explained their game play, game rules, winning and losing conditions, number of players, chances, obstacles, coins and the power ups to the school students. Guided the school students to play the games. The school students enjoyed the games as they involved IQ improving skills. The school students celebrated when they won each chance. They also tried the games again and again, even after losing a chance, to enjoy the fun factor involved in the game.

 For Information More: http://www.icat.ac.in/showcase-life-size-games.asp