Tuesday 27 January 2015

Study Tour to Hampi.

The Advertising Department of ICAT, Bangalore organized a study tour to Hampi from 11th to 14th of December, 2014. The main objective of the tour was to enable the students to master their photography skills for the Photo Communication module, and also to understand the art and culture of the place.

The students were very excited to photograph the spectacular natural view of river Tungabhadra, craggy hill ranges and open plains, with widespread physical remains. They also explored their photography skills with the Vitthla temple that has the most exquisitely ornate structure on the site and represents the culmination of Vijayanagara temple architecture. They also photographed the secular buildings like the Queen’s Bath and the Elephant Stables that represent a highly evolved multi-religious and multi-ethnic society.

For Information More: http://www.icat.ac.in/tour-to-hampi.asp