Tuesday 1 March 2016


The Multimedia Technology students of ICAT, Hyderabad exhibited their photography skills at the ICAT campus on 12th & 13th of May, 2015. This time, they put the work to their cameras to capture the beauty in the elements of their surroundings in a creative manner. Each and every picture depicted the complex thought process involved in revealing the essence of the medium. Though it's an imitation of nature through photo, the students showed innovative perception of their own narration in their picture. The Hall was filled up with 115 photographs, out of which wildlife and Product photographs have attracted many viewers. It was very surprising for the viewers to listen the procedure of how they captured the expression in wild life photography.

This kind of events and exhibitions are sure to help the students learn beyond what college imparts in classrooms and find unknown angles of creativity. The exhibition was attended by peers, parents, friends and other external faculty members whose insight and feedback gave the students fresh ideas to move towards professionalism in their next attempt.